Sometimes happiness is a feeling, but sometimes it’s a decision. Check out these 10 things that happy people do.
“Happiness is not a’s a by-product of a life well lived.” - Eleanor Roosevelt
This is the key to having a balanced life. Using your morning hours well will set you up for a fantastic rest of your day. Make sure to have a routine that is in line with your priorities, strengths, and needs. Include things that will give you positive energy, like 5 minute meditation. I use the Calm app and love it. If you don’t have a routine yet, write down the things you’d like to accomplish. Don’t get too ambitious but fill your morning with things to keep you positive, productive, and fulfilled.
This is crucial to your well-being. There are so many ways to self care and it’s different for everyone. It can be as simple as going for a walk or a 5 minute journal.
Be open to what life has to offer. Openness and curiosity allows you to grow and evolve. It’s good to have your values and principles but make sure to be open to changing your mind and discovering new things.
This allows you to get to know yourself, your desires, and your goals. Make sure your time alone is productive. Self help books, meditating, and the Audible app are great ways to use your alone time.
This benefits us for two reasons. It physically keeps us in shape and strengthens our muscles. It also emotionally releases stress and brings back our focus to the present. The rush of energy post-workout will be enough to take you through the rest of your day. Make sure it’s something you love to do and look forward to doing. Another reason I love my streamable workout programs so much is because I get bored easily and love changing it up.
This has the power to reframe difficult times and shows us we are lucky, despite our challenges. It’s as simple as writing down 3 things you are grateful for each morning. I have a 5 minute gratitude journal that I love using each morning.
Everyone is fighting a battle inside that you know nothing about. Show compassion and support whenever you can. A simple smile can change someone’s day entirely!
This is a crucial element to achieving your goals. Hard work is not enough. Remember why you chose your life path and what your goals are. Never forget your true passions and be sure to make time for them.
The best weapons against negativity are gratitude, exercise, and focus. Gratitude reminds you of what you have. Exercise releases built up stress. Focusing on the present is a state of mind you learn through meditation. Meditation reduces stress, improves sleep, increases focus, and improves relationships. It provides happiness and inner peace.
Perfection does not exist so if that’s what you’ve been striving for, you are wasting your energy. You need to accept your physical and behavioral flaws. This does not mean you don’t want to change or grow. It means you accept what you cannot change and you highlight your strengths. It’s not easy and you’re not alone. There are some great books out there, like You’re a Badass by Jen Singero.
We are able to control our own happiness and it all starts with having healthy habits. I hope these tips are tangible and help you to live happy every day.